Platform walkthrough
Watch John Tell, KeyShot Dock Sales Engineer walk through KeyShot Dock’s key features and capabilities. Book a demo for a personalized experience.
Feature overview
Curious how KeyShot Dock’s key features can solve your challenges? Watch the videos below for an overview of each feature.
Duplicate detector
Tired of multiple versions of one asset? Use our AI engine to detect similar and identical assets and avoid redundant asset storage.
Adobe Creative Cloud Integrator
Wish you had more time to be creative? Streamline your creative workflows with our Adobe Creative Cloud integrator and save time on scattered
Campaign collections
Looking for a secure and easy way to share campaign materials with external agencies? Collaborate seamlessly with every stakeholder with our customizable shared folder solution.
Background removal
Need stock images of your products without background? Use Dock’s AI engine to automate background removal for multiple assets with just a few clicks.
Want to learn more?
Book a meeting with one of our DAM experts